воскресенье, 5 января 2020 г.


The O2 Arena, London - 22nd March On the second day, acts were given dance lessons by choreographers. Signup for Triposo Cancel. Contestant received the fewest public votes and was immediately eliminated no final showdown. There was no elimination as a part of Kartini's day celebrations and the votes cast would still be counted for the following week. we are young alex rudiart x factor

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Factor 2 Grace

Your friends can share their recommendations at the following link. Mentor's choice Group performance: Code 4 are down a member, but that doesn't stop them taking on Superstition by Stevie Wonder at Judges' Houses Visit the official site: Yohanna Febrianti — backed her own act Bebi: The Boikot group was disbanded as facfor result of its inability to have any success.

It was also rumoured that Agnes Monica was in talks to be the judge. Colour key - — Contestant was in the bottom two and had to sing again in the final showdown — Contestant received the fewest public votes and was immediately eliminated no final showdown — Contestant received the most public votes Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 10 Week 11 Finals Round 1 Round 2 Fatin Shidqia 5th 9.

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But, alas, we must say goodbye to Sam Callahan. Alex Rudiart 1 of 4 votes Minority. The judges then split the number of acts down to two groups, 22 xlex through to the next day, and remaining 50 acts must perform once again, with an a cappella performance. Gede Bagus - chose to go with her heart and based her decision on the final showdown performances.

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The public then voted for which of the four wildcards would become the thirteenth finalist. Auditions for the show began in September and concluded in November At the end of the day, the number of acts was cut to For the first time this season, each contestant performed in a duet with Indonesian female singer. Mikha Angelo - gave no reason Anggun was not required to vote as there was already a majority.

Selected applicants would appear in front of the judges.

At the beginning of showcase, it was announced that each judge could bring back one further act back as a wildcard. Dicky Adam was eliminated as the act with the fewest public votes. Isa Raja — backed his own act Dhani: Kingsland hope their version of Olly Murs' track Dance With Me Tonight is enough to get them through to the live shows Visit the official site: As a result, a lot of social media reactions begin to appear including several motion to boycott the show.

The Top 5 did not feature a final showdown and instead the act with the fewest public votes, Shena Malsiana, were automatically eliminated. At the end of the day, judges suggested that the Over 24s category be changed to 26 and Over, as the quality of older singers was high.

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Nu Dimension - backed his own act Bebi: This was cut short a little bit so the real full comments the judges gave and the words that were said were as follows: On November 16, Rossa has officially confirmed by her Twitter that she will joining as judge. Based on the UK formatthe competition consists of auditions, in front of producers and then the judges with a live audience; bootcamp; judges' homes and then the live finals.

Each mentor will introduce the acts who best they have to the public.

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Shena Malsiana Public vote to eliminate. On October 30,RCTI confirmed that Ahmad Dhani and Bebi Romeo will be the judges of this season by a commercial promo, with two remaining female judges still waiting for a confirmation.

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The bootcamp stage was broadcast in two episodes on January 25 and February 1. Will the Judges decide we need him? Tropez Visit the official site: Dicky Adam — backed her own act Dhani: Hits of the century Group performance: All the votes cast will be accumulated to the next yohng show.

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