воскресенье, 5 января 2020 г.


Windows 10 64bit ; Windows 8. A license key is required in order to use this software. This software prints out a color sample chart to use as a reference to help you to print specific colors. This software enables the tracking of color and mono page printing, the types and quantities of paper used and provides a record of printing activity by department. For the paper size, Oki Cdn can handle from A6 up to A4 printing papers. oki 310dn driver

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Once you've picked a color from the chart, note it's RGB Red, Green, Blue values into your application's color picker to help you to get the exact color you saw on the chart.

OKI C310dn Printer Driver Download

The oii ICC profile can be specified by an ID number on the printer driver, at time of printing. This is a Hiper-C printer driver. A license key is required in order to use this software.

There is no support plan Operating System: This software changes the language of the device's LCD display panel from the default setting. The printer can print color documents up to 22 pages per minute.

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Print Control Report Tool. Where to buy Contact Us. Terms of use Privacy Policy.

OKI Cdn - printer - color - LED Specs - CNET

Thing that makes this printer good is about the printing speed. Sriver utility is a client tool installed on the client PC to control printing.

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Then, for the mono printing, the printer can print up to 24 papers per minute. Print Job Accounting or Print Job Accounting Enterprise track printing history and jobs which enables the reporting of the printer drivver misused or the printing of unpermitted documents. Support By Product Cdn.

This software prints out a color sample chart to use as a reference to help you to print specific colors. Please turn on the set of Java script. Print Job Accounting Client. This utility is an add-on for the Print Control software. Connect with OKI Europe.

Oki B Printer Driver Download. Windows 10 32bit ; Windows 8. Utility Color Correct Utility.

This software enables the tracking of color and mono page printing, the types and quantities of paper used and provides a record of printing activity by department. This file contains everything you need to use your Oki Cdn Series.

Cdn | Colour Printers | Drivers & Utilities | OKI Europe Ltd

This will give users easy access to print on double sides of paper. This software lets you discover devices and display basic information about them such as name, status and connecting part. The following functions can be used by installing plug-ins which are enclosed with the download file: Newer Post Older Post Home. This utility prints ok a sample color chart to use as a reference to help print specific color. For the paper size, Oki Cdn can handle from A6 up to A4 printing papers.

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Hiper-C printer driver allows your software application to control your printer. About Cookies on this site: Then, the printer has dpi as its printing resolution. For users who want to print on both pages of paper, they can use the feature of auto duplex printing.

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