понедельник, 6 января 2020 г.


The Barkati Foundation ceremonially weighed him in silver in recognition of his services for the promotion of Naats in It is best to verify all naats with acquired scholar. His father Abdul Majeed died when he was 10 years of age. They should be right and practical Muslims, i. He is a legend at the age of 38 and the voyage has just started. He has four Kids. kya khabar kya saza mujhko milti mp3

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In Hyderabad, India and Kuwait are largest Mehfil e Naat, more than people attended one of his performance, creating the record for most number of attendees in a Mehfil e Naat.


After the death of his father, he helped his 4 older sisters in caring for his younger sister and two younger brothers. Furthermore, they should determine from these kinds of acts which can be criticized by other folks. He has performed several Hajj and Umrah, the first Umrah being in while the first Hajj in Now he is an ideal for billions of Ashiqan e rasool S.

Gain applicable knowledge of Islam and recite at least one Mujhmo of the Holy Quran prefer is Kanzul Imaan with translation. W by shaving off the beard and not demonstrate regularity saa everyday prayers.

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They should be right and practical Muslims, i. His first album was released in and after that many albums have been released.

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There are many wishes which have not yet been fulfilled but are confidential. The Barkati Foundation ceremonially weighed him in silver in recognition of his services for the promotion of Naats in Wskip the way of foreigner and forever believe in death.

His father Abdul Majeed kyaa when he was 10 years of age. He started naats reciting at the age of eight years only.

kya khabar kya saza mujhko milti mp3

Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri advises new naat khawans that Naat Khawani is Ibaadat and before reciting any naat necessary knowledge should be collected about it and special care should be taken to make sure that it is not objectionable by Islamic Sharia. His favourite dress is Shalwar Qameez.

08 Kya Khabar Kya Saza Qari Waheed Zafar -

His father was a merchant, and he was died in a traffic accident. His favourite dish is Bar B. All naats are his top choices. Owais Raza Qadri has a great name in this field. W and killing the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet S. He is the crownless king of existing working day Sana Khawans about the whole world and unquestionably the most heartily liked, well known and legend of Sana Khawans, recognized for his tuneful voice and king of unique style of expressing his great appreciate and respect with the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad S.

He married in Madina Munawara, Saudi Arabia in W in all over the world. It is best to verify all naats with acquired scholar.

He has four Kids. He is a legend at the age of 38 and the voyage has just started.

Addressing the new generation, Owais Qadri remarks that certainly achievement lies within the fact that we must run on the direction guided to us by Allah and the Holy Prophet Muhammad S.

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